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Airbyte Setup Guide

This guide explains how to connect sync and data from any Airbyte source to Propel.

It covers how to:

  1. Create a Propel Application.
  2. Create the destination in Airbyte.
  3. Create your first Airbyte to Propel connector.
  4. Lastly, how to stop Airbyte.


To connect Propel to Airbyte, you need the following:

  • A Propel account.
  • An Airbyte account.
  • A Propel Application with the ADMIN scope.

1. Create a Propel Application​

You must create a Propel Application. Propel Applications provide the API credentials, allowing the Airbyte destination to access the Propel API.

  1. Log in to the Propel Console.
  2. Go to the Applications section and click Create Application.
  3. Enter the Unique Name. For example, "Airbyte Destination".
  4. Provide a Description. For example, "The Airbyte Destination app".
  5. In the API scopes section, in the Scopes drop-down menu, select the ADMIN scope.
  6. In the Propeller section, in the Select Propeller drop-down menu, select the processing power as per your requirements.
  7. Click Create.

Propel Application for Airbyte

  1. Leave this tab open, as you'll need the Application ID and secret to configure Airbyte

Propel Application credentials for Airbyte

2. Create a Propel destination in Airbyte​

Only Airbyte Open Source supports the Propel destination. In this section, you'll learn how to set up Airbyte and connect your Propel destination.


  • Docker Desktop (Docker terms apply)

2.1 Set up Airbyte locally​

  1. Install Docker Desktop.
  2. Clone the Airbyte repo and run the startup script:
git clone
cd airbyte
  1. Open Airbyte in the browser at http://localhost:8000.

2.2 Create your first Airbyte to Propel connection​

Now that Airbyte is running locally, let's set up the custom Propel destination.

  1. In the Airbyte dashboard, click Settings on the bottom left.
  2. Click Destinations on the left sidebar.
  3. Click the New connector button.
  4. Click the Add a new Docker connector option.
  5. Fill in the connector values as follows:

You can find the Propel Airbyte destination Dockerhub release page here.

Add new Propel destination in Airbyte

2.3 Enter the Propel Application credentials in Airbyte​

You're now ready to connect Propel to Airbyte.

  1. Enter the Application ID and secret you found in Step 1.

Add new Propel destination in Airbyte

  1. Click Set up destination. You should get a success message that the connection test passed.

3. Create a new connection​

Now that the Propel destination is set up, you can create a new connection to sync data from any Airbyte source to Propel.

Create connection in Airbyte

  1. Click on Create a connection.
  2. Select the source you want to sync data from.
  3. Configure the sync settings.

Create connection in Airbyte with s asource

  1. finally, click Set up connection.

4. Stopping Airbyte​

At any point, you can disable any incremental or full syncs by going to the 'Connection' settings page and clicking 'Delete this connection'. This will not touch any of the source or destination data, but will prevent Airbyte from doing any further operations.

Delete a connection in Airbyte

Need help?​

Get help from the Propel support team, or file a GitHub issue in the Propel Airbyte connector project.