Predictable pricing, designed to scale.
Start building for free, pay for what you use, then save as you scale.
Up to: *
Queries: 50,000 / month
Writes: 1GB / month
Storage: 10 GB
Ingestion pipes: Included
APIs: Included
Embeddable UI: Included
Queries: $0.03 - $0.08 per GB read
Writes: $0.05 per GB written
Storage: $0.30 per GB / month
Volume discounts
Dedicated support
99.99% SLA
Access to trust center
Audit logs
The free tier includes $15 worth of usage per month. The free tier estimates are based on the following assumptions:
Yes, you can use Propel’s free tier forever.
Data written is data that you write into Propel Data Pools in the form of:
Data read by queries is the volume of data Propel needs to scan to answer a query. The amount depends on the size of your dataset and the complexity of your query.
For example, a query for the last 24 hours on a small dataset will read less data than a query for the last five years on a large dataset.
The easiest way is to sign up for the free tier and build a proof of concept. In the API Playground, you can see how much data is read by each query you run.
Capacity commitments give you volume discounts. Contact sales for more information.
If you don’t use the committed amount within a year, it rolls over to the next as long as you renew the capacity contract.
Yes. You can expect a compression ratio of 2-3x depending on the data.
Propel measures the amount of data stored in Data Pools every hour. At the end of the month, It sums all the GBs counted and multiplies them by the GB-hour price.
Data is stored in AWS us-east-2 region. If you have requirements to deploy in another region, please contact sales.
Connect directly with a Propel solutions architect to explore how Propel can support your team. Get a live product demo and learn how to maximize the benefits of Propel.