In-depth: What is a columnar database?

What the heck is a columnar database? and when should I think about using one?

In-depth: What is a columnar database?


What is a columnar database?

Ever felt like your database is dragging its feet when you need fast analytics? That’s where columnar databases step in. They are fundamentally different by flipping the traditional row-based storage on its head. Instead of storing data in rows, they store it in columns. This tweak makes them incredibly efficient for handling large datasets and complex queries.

Here’s why columnar databases stand out:

  1. Efficient data compression: Storing similar data types together allows for high compression ratios, which saves space and speeds up queries.
  2. Fast query performance: They read only the relevant columns, processing data much faster than row-based systems.
  3. Perfect for analytical queries: Their architecture is tailor-made for rapid analysis of large datasets.

One of the most powerful features of columnar databases is their distributed architecture. By spreading data across multiple nodes or servers, they can handle massive volumes of information while maintaining impressive query performance.

Columnar vs row-oriented databases: The architectural divide

At the heart of database architecture lies a fundamental choice: how to physically store and access data. This decision shapes the entire performance profile of a database system, influencing everything from query speed to transactional consistency.

One crucial decision when choosing a database is how to store and access data. Row-oriented databases store complete records together, making them great for transactional systems. For example, updating a product’s inventory in an e-commerce system is quick and consistent.

Columnar databases, on the other hand, store data by columns. This structure is optimized for analytical queries. For instance, calculating the average sale price across millions of transactions becomes a breeze because they can focus on the relevant columns, ignoring the rest.

Data compression is another strong suit of columnar databases. Grouping similar data types together allows for efficient compression, saving storage space and speeding up queries.

However, this comes with a trade-off. Writing data in columnar databases can be slower because it involves modifying multiple column files. Row-oriented databases generally handle write-heavy workloads more efficiently.

ACID Properties in row-oriented vs. column-oriented databases

Let's look at the ACID properties in the context of both row-oriented and column-oriented databases to understand how they handle and maintain transactional integrity.

Overview of ACID properties

ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability, which are key properties that ensure reliable transaction processing in databases:

  • Atomicity: Ensures that all operations within a transaction are completed; if not, the transaction is aborted.
  • Consistency: Ensures that a transaction brings the database from one valid state to another.
  • Isolation: Ensures that transactions are executed in isolation from one another.
  • Durability: Ensures that once a transaction is committed, it remains so, even in the event of a system failure.

ACID properties in row-oriented databases

  • Atomicity: Row-oriented databases typically support atomic transactions, ensuring that all operations within a transaction are completed or none are.
  • Consistency: These databases enforce consistency through constraints, triggers, and other mechanisms to ensure that data remains valid.
  • Isolation: Row-oriented databases often provide multiple isolation levels (e.g., read committed, repeatable read, serializable) to manage concurrent transactions.
  • Durability: They ensure durability through mechanisms like write-ahead logging (WAL), which logs changes before they are applied to the database.

ACID properties in column-oriented databases

  • Atomicity: Column-oriented databases can support atomic operations, but the implementation may vary. Some NoSQL column stores may not fully support atomic transactions across multiple columns or rows.
  • Consistency: Consistency can be more challenging in column-oriented databases, especially in distributed systems. Some column stores may offer eventual consistency rather than strong consistency.
  • Isolation: Isolation levels in column-oriented databases can be less robust than those in row-oriented databases. The focus is often on read performance, which can lead to trade-offs in isolation.
  • Durability: Durability is maintained through techniques like replication and logging. However, the specifics can vary widely among different column-oriented databases.

Key benefits of columnar databases

  1. Improved query performance for analytical workloads: They process large datasets quickly by focusing on relevant columns.
  2. Efficient data compression: Grouping similar data types together results in significant storage savings.
  3. Reduced I/O operations: Accessing only the necessary columns minimizes disk reads, speeding up queries.
  4. Better support for parallel processing: Their structure allows for distributing queries across multiple CPU cores or nodes.
  5. Enhanced scalability: They can easily distribute data across additional servers as volumes grow.
  6. Improved aggregation performance: Summing, averaging, or finding maximum values within a column is streamlined.
  7. Efficient handling of sparse data: They manage datasets with many null values effectively.
  8. Better support for real-time analytics: Near-instantaneous query responses enable timely data-driven decisions.
  9. Flexible schema design: They allow for easier evolution of data structures over time.

Challenges and limitations of columnar databases

  1. Higher write overhead: Inserting or updating data can be slower due to the need to modify multiple-column files.
  2. Complexity in handling OLTP workloads: They may struggle with rapid, single-record operations.
  3. Increased storage requirements for certain data types: Variable-length data may require additional storage overhead.
  4. Potential performance issues with small datasets: The benefits are most pronounced with large-scale data and complex queries.
  5. Complexity in data modeling: Designing efficient data models for columnar storage can be challenging.
  6. Limited support for certain types of queries: Full-row scans or frequent joins across multiple tables may be less efficient.
  7. Potential data consistency issues: Maintaining consistency across multiple-column files requires sophisticated mechanisms.

Key use cases for columnar databases

In this section, we will explore several use cases for columnar databases.

Real-time analytics

Modern columnar systems handle high-speed data ingestion and support analytical queries, making them ideal for real-time analytics.

Customer-facing analytics

For customer-facing analytics, some columnar databases can efficiently handle fast queries on large-scale analytical data that SaaS and consumer apps need.

Data warehousing

Columnar databases are perfect for data warehousing. They store and analyze vast amounts of historical data efficiently, compressing it up to 10 times more than traditional systems.

Business intelligence

For business intelligence and reporting, columnar databases process complex aggregations and filters quickly, enabling near real-time data-driven decisions.

Log analysis

Columnar databases excel at ingesting and analyzing massive log datasets, uncovering patterns and anomalies quickly.

Time-series data

They efficiently store and query data with timestamps, making them perfect for IoT applications and financial tickers.

Ad-hoc querying

Columnar databases support fast, ad-hoc queries on massive datasets, empowering data scientists to explore data freely.

Predictive analytics

Their ability to rapidly process large volumes of data makes them ideal for training and deploying machine learning models.

16 examples of columnar databases

Let's examine some examples of columnar databases in practice. From fully managed data warehouses to open-source and enterprise solutions, these databases highlight the diverse applications and impressive capabilities of columnar storage.

1. Snowflake

Cloud-native data warehouse with unique architecture separating storage and compute.

2. ClickHouse

An open-source columnar database designed for high-performance analytics, processing billions of rows per second.

3. Databricks

A unified data analytics platform that provides cloud-based big data processing using Apache Spark. It supports columnar storage format through Delta Lake, enabling fast analytic queries.

4. Amazon Redshift

The first fully managed cloud data warehouse. It is based on columnar storage for efficient query performance. However, it has fallen out of favor recently due to the advances of Snowflake and Databricks.

5. Google BigQuery

A serverless, highly scalable data warehouse that processes petabytes of data in seconds using columnar storage.

6. Propel

A Serverless data platform based on ClickHouse with unique architecture separating storage and compute and built-in data APIs.

7. Apache Cassandra

A wide-column store with columnar storage aspects, offering scalability and fault tolerance.

8. Vertica

An enterprise-grade analytics platform using columnar storage to handle large-scale data warehousing.

9. Apache Druid

An open-source, real-time analytics database designed for business intelligence (BI) and real-time applications. It can ingest and query millions of events per second and also supports complex joins, window functions, and sub-queries.

10. MariaDB ColumnStore

Columnar storage engine extending MariaDB's capabilities.


An in-memory column-oriented database developed by SAP, designed for high-performance analytics and transaction processing.

12. Microsoft SQL Server Columnstore Indexes

Columnar storage feature within SQL Server.

13. Teradata

Enterprise analytics software and hardware solutions with columnar capabilities.

14. SingleStore

Distributed SQL database with columnar storage options, formerly MemSQL.

15. Apache Cassandra

Distributed NoSQL database with wide-column store capabilities.

16. Apache Pinot

Real-time distributed OLAP datastore built by LinkedIn to power their LinkedIn Insights features.

Frequently asked questions

Here are some of the frequently asked questions about columnar databases.

What is the difference between a columnar database and a row-oriented database?

Columnar and row-oriented databases differ fundamentally in their data storage and query processing approaches. While row-oriented databases store complete records together, columnar databases organize data by individual columns. This structural difference leads to significant performance variations, particularly in analytical workloads.

Columnar databases excel at processing large datasets efficiently, as they can read only the relevant columns for a query. For instance, ClickHouse can process billions of rows per second on a single server, showcasing the power of this approach for analytical queries.

Are columnar databases suitable for transactional workloads?

Typically, no. They are optimized for read-heavy analytical processing and are not designed for frequent, small-scale, strongly consistent write operations.

How do columnar databases achieve better compression?

By storing similar data types together, they can use efficient compression techniques, significantly reducing storage requirements.

Can columnar databases handle real-time data ingestion?

Yes, many modern columnar databases support real-time data ingestion, though write performance can be a limiting factor.

What types of queries perform best on columnar databases?

Analytical queries, especially those involving aggregations across large datasets, perform exceptionally well on columnar databases.

How do columnar databases handle updates and deletes?

Updates and deletes can be complex and are often implemented as new inserts with timestamps or version numbers.

Are columnar databases ACID compliant?

ACID compliance varies. Some offer full compliance, while others provide relaxed consistency models to optimize for analytical performance.


Columnar databases are unlocking new data analytics workloads with their efficient, read-heavy architecture. They offer significant performance gains and cost savings, making them indispensable for large-scale analytics. While not ideal for transactional workloads, the rise of HTAP (Hybrid Transactional Analytics Processing) systems suggests a future where databases can handle both OLTP and OLAP workloads is possible.

Propel is a serverless data platform built on ClickHouse, a high-performance, column-oriented database. It's ideally suited for handling large volumes of data and complex queries at lightning speed. But what sets Propel apart is its built-in data APIs. These allow you to easily integrate Propel into your existing applications in record time.

Get started with Propel today and receive $15 in monthly credits forever. At any point, upgrade to pay-as-you-go, or contact us to learn more about our volume-based discounts. Visit our pricing page for details.

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