Layout components are used to separate layout responsibilities from content and interactivity.

This is the separation of concerns that makes your dashboard maintainable and easy to reason about, and understanding these principles is key to building your interfaces effectively.


import { Box } from "@propeldata/ui-kit";

Box is the most fundamental layout component.

Box is used to:

  • Provide spacing to child elements.
  • Impose sizing constraints on content.
  • Control layout behavior within flex and grid containers.
  • Hide content based on screen size using its responsive display prop.


import { Box } from "@propeldata/ui-kit";

Flex component does everything that Box can do, but comes with an additional set of props to organize items along an axis. It provides convenient access to the CSS flexbox properties.


The Grid component is used to organize the content in columns and rows. Like Box and Flex, it’s made to provide convenient access to the underlying CSS grid properties without any magic of its own.

import { Grid } from "@propeldata/ui-kit";


import { Section } from "@propeldata/ui-kit";

The Section component adds consistent vertical spacing between major page sections, helping establish visual hierarchy. It offers a few predefined spacing sizes to maintain simplicity and consistency throughout your layout.


import { Container } from "@propeldata/ui-kit";

Container’s sole responsibility is to provide a consistent max-width to the content it wraps. Like Section, it comes just with a couple of pre-defined sizes that work well with common breakpoints and typical content widths for comfortable reading.


import { Card } from "@propeldata/ui-kit";

The Card component is used to display content in a card-like format.


import { Tabs } from "@propeldata/ui-kit";

Organize content sections to be displayed one at a time.

Tab Cards

import { Tabs } from "@propeldata/ui-kit";

Organize content sections to be displayed one at a time triggered by clicking on cards.

Common layout props

Each layout component has a set of it’s own specialized props and also a shared set of common layout props. All layout props support responsive object values.


Padding props can access the space scale steps or accept any valid CSS padding value.

<Box p="4" />
<Box p="100px">
<Box p={{ sm: '6', lg: '9' }}>
pResponsive<number | string>No default value
pxResponsive<number | string>No default value
pyResponsive<number | string>No default value
ptResponsive<number | string>No default value
prResponsive<number | string>No default value
pbResponsive<number | string>No default value
plResponsive<number | string>No default value


Width props accept any valid CSS width value.

<Box width="100px" />
<Box width={{ md: '100vw', xl: '1400px' }} />
widthResponsive<string>No default value
minWidthResponsive<string>No default value
maxWidthResponsive<string>No default value


Height props accept any valid CSS height value.

<Box height="100px" />
<Box height={{ md: '100vh', xl: '600px' }} />
heightResponsive<string>No default value
minHeightResponsive<string>No default value
maxHeightResponsive<string>No default value


Positioning props can change how the element is placed relative to the normal flow of the document. As usual, the corresponding CSS values are accepted for each property, and the space scale steps can be used for the offset values.

<Box position="relative" />
<Box position={{ initial: "relative", lg: "sticky" }} />

<Box inset="4" />
<Box inset={{ initial: "0", xl: "auto" }} />

<Box left="4" />
<Box left={{ initial: "0", xl: "auto" }} />
positionResponsive<enum>No default value
insetResponsive<enum | string>No default value
topResponsive<enum | string>No default value
rightResponsive<enum | string>No default value
bottomResponsive<enum | string>No default value
leftResponsive<enum | string>No default value

Flex children

Each layout component has props used to control the style when it is a child of a flex container.

<Box flexBasis="100%" />
<Box flexShrink="0">
<Box flexGrow={{ initial: "0", lg: "1" }} />
flexBasisResponsive<string>No default value
flexShrinkResponsive<enum | string>No default value
flexGrowResponsive<enum | string>No default value

Grid children

Each layout component has props used to control the style when it is a child of a grid container.

<Box gridArea="header" />

<Box gridColumn="1 / 3" />
<Box gridColumnStart="2">
<Box gridColumnEnd={{ initial: "-1", md: "3", lg: "auto" }} />

<Box gridRow="1 / 3" />
<Box gridRowStart="2">
<Box gridRowEnd={{ initial: "-1", md: "3", lg: "auto" }} />
gridAreaResponsive<string>No default value
gridColumnResponsive<string>No default value
gridColumnStartResponsive<string>No default value
gridColumnEndResponsive<string>No default value
gridRowResponsive<string>No default value
gridRowStartResponsive<string>No default value
gridRowEndResponsive<string>No default value

Margin props

Margin props are available on most components in order to provide spacing around the elements. They are not exclusive to layout components.

Margin props can access the space scale steps or accept any valid CSS margin value

<Button m="4" />
<Button m="100px">
<Button m={{ sm: '6', lg: '9' }}>
mResponsive<enum | string>No default value
mxResponsive<enum | string>No default value
myResponsive<enum | string>No default value
mtResponsive<enum | string>No default value
mrResponsive<enum | string>No default value
mbResponsive<enum | string>No default value
mlResponsive<enum | string>No default value

The margin props may be unavailable on components that don’t render a HTML node or rely on their Root part for layout.