Federation to ClickHouse enables you to query your self-hosted or ClickHouse Cloud tables without syncing them to Propel.

Get started with Federation to ClickHouse

Step-by-step instructions to connect your ClickHouse server to Propel for federation.


Federated ClickHouse Data Pools make queries directly to a table in your own ClickHouse and then serve the data via the SQL, API, or UI components.


Federated ClickHouse Data Pools supports the following features:

Feature nameSupportedNotes
Read-throughReads through a ClickHouse table. The Propel user needs SELECT privileges.
API configurableSee Management API docs.
Terraform configurableSee Propel Terraform docs.

How does the Federation to ClickHouse work?

Federated ClickHouse Data Pools query a table in your ClickHouse database using a set of credentials. The user provisioned for Propel must have at least SELECT privileges that ensure real-time access to data.

Once created, a Federated ClickHouse Data Pool is queryable via SQL, the Query APIs, or Embeddable UI, like any other Data Pool.

Schema changes

When you make changes to the underlying table, you can pick up those changes by creating a new Data Pool.


  • Propel only supports connecting via the ClickHouse HTTPS interface.