This guide will help you select the right Propeller size for your specific use case, ensuring optimal performance for your queries.

Step 1: Create a representative query

To accurately assess Propeller performance, you need to create a query that closely represents your production workload.

To create a representative query:


Query a representative Data Pool

Choose a Data Pool with the same number of records as your production environment:

  • This ensures your test accurately reflects real-world performance.

Compose your query

Use the appropriate tool to create your query:

  • For GraphQL API queries, use the API Playground.
  • For SQL queries, use the SQL Console.

Include necessary filters and operations

Ensure your query includes all elements typical to your use case:

  • Add WHERE clauses or filter arguments that match your typical queries.
  • Include any JOINs or complex operations you regularly use.

Step 2: Test different Propeller sizes

Now that you have a representative query, it’s time to evaluate different Propeller sizes:


Start with the smallest Propeller size

Begin with P1_X_SMALL

  • If response time is acceptable for your use case, you’re all set
  • If the query times out or takes too long, proceed to the next step

Incrementally test larger Propeller sizes

  • Select the next size up of Propeller
  • Click “Run Query”.
  • Repeat until you achieve your desired response time without timeouts

Selecting Propeller size


Evaluate results

  • If the response time is appropriate for your use case, you are good to go. You don’t need more query compute power for your app.
  • If the query timed out or took too long, return to the previous step and try a larger Propeller size.

By following this process, you’ll ensure your queries run efficiently while optimizing costs.